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Tag Archives: cone of shame


I fell off mine.

I had a cheeseburger. It was satisfying for about 3 minutes.
Then the guilt set in.

I’m going to blame it on menstral insanity and an explained craving for red meat. I eat a lot of broccoli and sometimes I remember my multi-vitamen, so I’m getting enough iron, but sometimes it doesn’t quite work.

I’m going to pay for this though. I’ve noticed the few times I’ve had meat by accident or otherwise since switching over my tummy roils and rumbles and generally lets me know that it isn’t so keen on processing meat after being meat-free.

I might have to re-think my Turkey at Thanksgiving and Christmas and switch to Thanksgiving and Christmas salmons…

But, It’s not the end of the world. It’s not that I have to start all over at step one.

Besides, after eating the burger, I “punished” myself and finished my essay on King Lear. So that’s done, only one more on Love’s Alchemy by John Donne.


On an unrelated note, I’veĀ  been watching a LOT of Dan Savage Q&A videos on youtube. Lots of questions, lots of slightly sarcastic, but truthful answers. If I were not nearly as educated in life as I am, I would probably find them informative too. As is, I find them mostly entertaining that some people simply do not know about things.
But then I remember the US has abstinance-only sex ed. And then it all makes sense.
Poor America. Last to the gate, but first and loudest to congratulate themselves.

I am also trying (though it can be like pulling teeth at a bad dentists’) to read a book a friend sent me. I’m on about half way through and it’s really getting to be a hubby-hunting how-to.
While it would be nice to stumble upon some sort of relationship, I’m not setting out to find a life partner. A partner in crime sounds more my speed right now.

Also I find I’m really good at fixing your relationship. I just have no clue of how to have one, myself.
Ah well. I’ll figure it out at some point.

Cone of Shame

Cone of Shame, I’d like to introduce you to the Lizard of Humiliation.

This weekend started out innocently enough.
My friend Nick ( hosted a pub night, and invited a bunch of Rovers out to it. Rovers are great people – we’re Scouts, but 18-26 instead of 12-14, so we get to do way more cool things, without Mum’s permission!
He invited me out Thursday night, but I had to decline. My Rover Crew was doing a work party at Camp Bernard. We’ve had a project for the last couple years and we’re not close to done, but we’re working on it. We also had investitures.

I was sorely tempted to ditch out on my crew and party it up in VanCity. But, I did the right thing and went to dig some holes instead.

I did leave early though, my Roommates were having a party. I invited some friends along too, because it’s way awkward playing co-host to a party and you only know the people you live with.

I had a really good time. I might have gotten a little out of control. I should have known better and I should have hidden my phone from me. Or shut it off. I only sent one text, but it was mean-spirited and I did send an apology text. But having to do so was some damn bitter powder to suck on. What I said was true, but I was pretty childish about it.

So yeah.
My goals are this next week are:
First and foremost – drink some more damn water! Be it mixed with tea or lemon or whatever, I need to consistantly up my water intake.

Second-in-command is to get my lazy butt to the gym. There is a free one at school, or I can pay 50$/month at the Y. Take my pick, I need to get some cardio and whatnot happening on a semi-regular basis.

and thirdly – be a nicer person. Think more happy and kinds thoughts then mean ones that judge. It’s not my place to do so anyway.

Happy hallowe’en!